Music for Mixed Voice Choir

"Early One Morning"

This SATB setting of a familiar folksong gives each voice a chance to sing the tune and treats the verses in this version in a variety of ways, from light hearted to anguished

A4 12 pages 59 bars
Performance time approx. 3:45
£10.00 (consisting of a Full Score with Rehearsal Piano part, plus one copy of each Vocal Part) plus 1st Class postage £2.50

"Love Bade me Welcome"

A setting for unaccompanied 4-part SATB choir of "Love Bade me Welcome" by George Herbert (1593 - 1633), the Elizabethan metaphysical poet, with its intriguing ambiguity of sacred and sensual imagery

A4 7 pages 61 bars
Performance time approx. 3:15
£7.50 (consisting of a Full Score with Rehearsal Piano part, plus one copy of each Vocal Part) plus 1st Class postage £2.50


A setting for SATB

A4 5 pages 36 bars
Performance time approx 2:40
£4.75 (consisting of a Full Score with Rehearsal Piano part, plus one copy of each Vocal Part) plus 1st Class postage £2.50

Magnificat” and “Nunc Dimittis

These settings of the ”Magnificat" and "Nunc Dimittis" are composed from a personal secular position, whilst recognising the importance of the traditional texts. The settings are intended for an unaccompanied SATB choir and to be performed without the customary Organ interludes. Contact me if you are interested in looking at a performance.